Finding Her Voice

After being bullied and struggling at her previous school, Laila found her place at Fusion.

Laila Wemusa


Fusion Los Gatos

What She's Doing Now

Attending Fisk University

School is supposed to be a safe space, and Laila didn't feel like she had the social or emotional support at her previous school. She found Fusion and started attending halfway through her sophomore year of high school

“ I was going through a lot.”- Laila

In Fusion’s one-to-one environment Laila was able to connect with her teachers and not only learn how she learned best, but get the social and emtional support she was seeking.

“Here you can really learn what works for how you learn, because it's just you in the classroom.” – Laila

At Fusion Laila was also able to pursue her love of singing Opera.

Laila graduated from Fusion Academy Los Gatos in June of 2019. She attends Fisk University and is majoring in vocal performance.

“Thank you for my teachers who know I'm smart and believe I'm smart.” – Laila

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Want to help your child find their voice again?

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