Renewed Curiosity & Confidence: A Student Story

After falling behind and feeling like her previous school didn’t support her, Tu and her family found Fusion and turned her life around.

By Tu Morrow


Fusion Miracle Mile

What She's Doing Now

Attending The New School in New York City.

In Tu’s previous high school, she felt that her teachers and peers had given up on her. Graduation seemed like a faraway goal.

She fell further and further behind, which took a toll on her self-esteem and confidence.

Then her family found Fusion.

Her curiosity and confidence are back. Her grades turned around because she was actually learning. This gave her hope.

In the one-to-one Fusion environment, Tu was able to ask questions without reservation. This model allowed her to have a customized schedule so she could balance her acting career and

Tu graduated from Fusion Academy Miracle Mile in Los Angeles in May of 2019. Now she’s attending The New School in New York City.

“I have confidence that she will create a beautiful and meaningful life. And a big part of that
comes from her time here, for sure.” – Rob Morrow

“Honestly if it wasn’t for Fusion I don’t think I’d be graduating right now…it changed my life, it
saved my life.” – Tu Morrow, Fusion graduate

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